Editor: Shelby Goddard
Shelby, in hot pursuit of her MFA, spends her days reading and writing
and writing, and writing and reading some more. Fiction is her first love,
but she dabbles in screenwriting and poetry. She earned her BA and MA
in English and Literature from California State University, Chico. Having
left her native California for the bayou, she finds herself returning home
in her fiction. She is currently working on a collection of stories set in
the mythical State of Jefferson in the mountains of northern California.
Assistant Editor: Lauren Tussing-White
Lauren Consuelo Tussing-White grew up in southwestern Idaho. She is currently pursuing her MFA in fiction.
Poetry Editor: Jordan Soyka
Jordan Soyka would like to have lunch with Frank O’Hara and drinks
with Jack Spicer. He is pursuing his MFA at LSU and has degrees in
English and psychology from the University of Wisconsin. He has work
forthcoming in Cavewall and The Quarterly Conversation: he is primarily
a poet, sometimes a reviewer, and always a free agent for entropy.
Assistant Poetry Editor: Will Burke
Has a good purpose, not dirtiest lolli. Is a lolli. Where you go. Does sad
rotations.Licks a circle. Writes butterfly strokes. Is a dirty lolli. Adamant about
justice. Is sure to have many feelings. Will lick dirtiest lollipop.
Assistant Poetry / Online Editor: Mel Coyle
There was a birth. Ohh hi, Mel. Mel Coyle was born, talking followed. In poetics
her minds become one mind. Her eyes are caffeinated by life; its Metamorphosis within her is red butterflies. There was a writer. Ohh, hi Mel. Mel Coyle is a born writer surrounded by outrageous butterflies. She is of one dark strong mind.
Fiction Editor: Lindy Dentinger
After winning a shootout with the Lone Ranger, Lindy decided to pursue
his life’s dream of misquoting the Bible professionally. “Teach a man to
fish and you won’t have to feed him your food,” is one of his more important
contributions to the field. He is known to wear fine hats.
Assistant Fiction Editor: David Newman
David Newman: B.A. Pomona, M.F.A. (someday) LSU. That's his picture on the left.
Nonfiction Editor: Alison Barker
Alison Barker is originally from P.G. County, Maryland. She has lived and worked in Boston, NYC, LA, and now, Baton Rouge. Her interests include signage and the lines between fact and fiction. She is pursuing an MFA
degree at LSU, partly due to Ted Poston's "The Revolt of the Evil Fairies," and the confusing journey she took through a women's college. In 1993 she was wrongfully accused of plagiarism by her seventh grade school district for her award-winning story entitled, "The Emerald Sphere," which included one talking unicorn. She thinks there is much to be learned from copying other writers and mimicking their sentence structure. Baton Rouge is the happiest she's ever been. Her work is forthcoming in the University of San Francisco's Switchback: Issue 8.
Assistant Nonfiction Editor: James Claffey
A master of French Letters, James slipped out of Ireland one night when the moon turned a lonely ball shade of blue. He has never chanced back. His compass points toward the future; his glass’ bottom points toward the sky; and his bluebird eyes are two wars poignant, flitting for an olive ranch. The moon still dangles beneath like an unused homeland. James’ letters are renown for their firmness and girth of meaning. Like an Irish Elephant, he has not forgotten his many lost loves and he flies close to the rim of the world maintaining a mighty hold on his thick quill pen.
Art Editor: Susan Kirby-Smith
Susan Kirby-Smith was born inside an MFA program. The daughter of a poet and a poet-astronomer, she was unable to speak out of verse until the age of seven and always thought she’d grow up to become a novella character. Fiction writer, playwright, poet and editor, the weave her accomplishments is rich, and really ties the room together. She loves steak frites deeply.
Delta Mouth Coordinator: Jennifer Tamayo
As this year's Delta Mouth Coordinator, JT plans to kick ass and take
names. She is not sure she understands that saying. In addition to kicking
ass, JT is (frantically & mechanically) working on a manuscript tentatively
titled- Guide for Crossing, a mixed-genre book of poems about migration,
language, and all things trans. Most days, you can find JT wearing one of
several writing dresses while drinking tea in front of her computer.
FANTASTICH! Her work has appeared or is slated to appear in DIAGRAM,
Ghoti/Fish, The Breakwater Review, & Action, Yes (2010). She is also working
on Process, a small hand-bound zine for her MFA peers in Baton Rouge.
Lauren Tussing-White
Jordan Soyka
Will Burke
Mel Coyle
Lindy Dentinger
David Newman
Alison Barker
James Claffey
Susan Kirby-Smith
Jennifer Tamayo
Shelby Goddard
The New Delta Review is a literary journal publishing
outstanding poetry, fiction, nonfiction and reviews out of
Louisiana State University.