How It Began
Creation of the Flagship
As a result of LSU's five-year planning effort, a campus-wide discussion about the University's future began in fall 2002. This discussion, known as the National Flagship Agenda, focused on how LSU could improve its research and educational enterprise to make it more nationally competitive. According to the University's core values of collegiality and open dialogue, this Flagship Agenda is the culmination of discussions and debates among the faculty, staff, students, and friends of the University.
A Shared Vision for Louisiana
In creating the Flagship Agenda, the University community took stock of the bountiful natural, human, and commercial advantages of our state and region. Maximizing those assets for the mutual benefit of the state and University would lead to greater returns for everyone.
Louisiana's natural resources, geography, culture, and native industry afford LSU unique research and educational opportunities. Many of the historically strong programs at LSU—such as oil and gas research, coastal issues, French language, Southern history and literature, music, geology, geography, chemistry, and chemical engineering—correspond to the state's distinct attributes. In forging the National Flagship Agenda, LSU intends to capitalize on the natural wealth of the state, while providing a foundation for future growth.
LSU can serve the state by providing:
- a world-class knowledge base that is transferable to educational, professional, and business enterprises;
- an incubator for the development of new products and technologies;
- prominence in the national arena for federal projects and funding;
- nationally ranked programs that prepare students for the most competitive and prestigious graduate programs and employment opportunities; and
- a competitively educated workforce, trained for attracting high-growth industries.
LSU's vision for the future parallels Louisiana's economic development plan, Vision 2020. The state has developed a tripartite plan to offer life-long education, attract industry, and improve the quality of life. LSU offers a nationally competitive education for the knowledge economy workforce. The state's cluster-driven economic development plan funnels attention to burgeoning economic sectors—such as nanotechnology and bioinformatics—in which LSU has already made significant strides.
Through a renewed University-community partnership, LSU is cultivating a more hospitable living environment. The convergence of highly talented people in a comfortable living-learning environment is the overarching goal of the Flagship Agenda. The best faculty researchers in the best laboratories will fulfill LSU's mission of research, education, and service to the state.