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News: 2007

Oyster Season to Reopen in Selected Portions of the Public Oyster Seed Grounds
Posted: 4/30/07

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Secretary Bryant O. Hammett Jr. announced a 15-day oyster season in the Little Lake Public Oyster Seed Grounds and selected areas of the Vermilion/East and West Cote Blanche/Atchafalaya Bay Public Oyster Seed Grounds located east of South Point of Marsh Island and south of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals' (DHH) May-August 2007 seasonal reclassification line that generally runs from South Point of Marsh Island ENE to Point Chevreuil. The short season in these areas will open at one-half hour before sunrise on Friday, May 4, 2007 and will close at one-half hour after sunset on Friday, May 18, 2007.

Much of the area within these public oyster seed grounds was previously closed to harvest by the DHH seasonal reclassification lines during the 2006/2007-oyster season (September 2006 to April 2007). However, these areas will be open by the DHH May-August seasonal reclassification lines.

Substantial oyster resources continue to exist in these public oyster seed grounds in areas previously closed to harvest. It has been determined by LDWF Marine Fisheries Division biologists that the reefs would benefit from limited harvest while providing economic opportunity to the oyster industry as it continues to rehabilitate from the hurricane impacts of 2005.

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