The fall
commercial fishing season for red snapper in Louisiana state
waters will be extended through noon Dec. 26, 2006, unless
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Secretary
Bryant Hammett is informed by the regional administrator of
the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that the season
date in federal waters has been modified.
The commercial
fishery for red snapper in Louisiana waters will re-open at
noon, Dec. 31, 2006, unless the LDWF secretary is informed
by the NMFS regional administrator that season dates in federal
waters have been modified.
herein shall preclude the legal harvest of red snapper by
legally licensed commercial fisherman during open commercial
seasons. Upon closure, no person shall commercially harvest,
purchase, barter, trade, sell or attempt to purchase, barter,
trade or sell red snapper. Nothing shall prohibit the possession
or sale of fish legally taken prior to the closure providing
that all commercial dealers possessing red snapper taken legally
prior to the closure shall maintain appropriate records in
accordance with R.S. 56:306.5 and R.S. 56:306.6.