Why should turtles be excluded from trawl nets?
A1: All sea turtles that occur in U.S. waters are listed
as either endangered or threatened under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973. Incidental capture of sea turtles in
shrimp trawls has been a major factor in the decline of
sea turtle populations. Shrimp trawling affects more sea
turtles in the U.S. than any other human activity.
Why is the focus on protecting turtles in Atlantic and Gulf
of Mexico waters?
A2: Florida’s beaches (bordering both the Atlantic
and Gulf of Mexico) support the largest nesting aggregations
of loggerhead, leatherback, green and hawksbill turtles
in the southeast U.S. Florida’s waters also provide
important feeding habitats for large numbers of juvenile
and adult sea turtles. Small sea turtles such as the olive
ridley and Kemp’s ridley nest along the Mexican Gulf
of Mexico coastline and live in Gulf of Mexico waters. Only
about 1 in 1,000 sea turtles survive to maturity. More than
90 percent of turtle hatchlings are eaten by predators.
To learn more about protecting sea turtles, visit http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/PR3/turtles/turtles.html.
How large are sea turtles?
A3: Sea turtles vary in size. The leatherback can grow up
to about 6 feet in length and weigh up to 1,100 pounds.
The smaller olive ridley and Kemp’s ridley turtles
may grow to 30 inches and weigh up to 110 pounds. Sea turtles
also vary is appearance. To learn more about the appearance
of sea turtles, download Sea
Turtles in Louisiana’s Coastal Waters (2.42MB
pdf file) by Fuller, Tappan, and Hester and Appendix
A (1.40MB PDF file)
of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Fishery
Management Plan for the Shrimp Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico,
United States Waters.
Why can’t turtles swim along and be emptied when the
trawl net is pulled up?
A4: When turtles are active, they need to return to the
water’s surface every few minutes in order to breathe.
Trawl nets drag along and near the bottom rather than surface
of the water, for periods of 30 minutes or more. When resting
or sleeping, turtles can remain under water without breathing
for about two hours, however, most turtles are actively
swimming when they are scooped up into trawl nets.
Have critical habitats been designated for all sea turtles?
A5: Critical habitat means the specific areas within the
geographical area occupied by a species on which are found
those physical or biological features essential to the conservation
of the species and which may require special management
considerations or protection and specific areas outside
of that geographical area essential for the conservation
of the species. In September 1998, the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) designated critical habitat for green sea
turtles in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic regions
to include waters surrounding Culebra Island, Puerto Rico,
and for hawksbill sea turtle, coastal waters surrounding
Mona and Monito Islands, Puerto Rico. Critical habitat was
also established for the leatherback turtle, generally including
waters adjacent to Sandy Point, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
This species ranges along the entire Atlantic coastline.
They also live in the Pacific. Loggerhead turtles also ranged
along the Atlantic coastline. In January 2002, a petition
to designate critical habitat for the loggerhead turtle
was considered by NMFS. For more information on critical
habitats for sea turtles, visit http://www.publicaffairs.noaa.gov/pr98/sep98/nr98-055.html
and http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prot_res/species/ESA_species.html
provided by IUCN/SSC Marine Special Group's Sea Turtle
Indentification Key.
more information about the different species of turtles,
download the Sea
Turtle Identification Key (726KB
PDF file) provided by IUCN/SSC Marine Turtle Specialist
Group. |