- News
Bulletin – August 4, 1997
Bycatch Reduction Approved for the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp
Fishery to Protect Red Snapper
Download: NR97-29.pdf
(85KB file)
- News
Release – May 15, 1998
Fisheries Service Certifies Two Additional Bycatch Reduction
Download: NR98-034
(75KB file)
- Managing
the Nation's Bycatch: Priorities, Programs and Actions
for the National Marine Fisheries Service – June
Download: bycatchplan.pdf
(7.67MB file)
- Shrimpers
Anticipate Bountiful Harvest: Storms ike Frances are helping
the catch, despite lower prices, profits – September
10, 1998
Download: NR-9-10-98.pdf
(92KB file)
- New
Fish-Bait Device Helps Protect Seabirds – April
18, 2002
Download: NR-4-18-02.pdf
(60KB file)
- Bycatch
Reduction in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Shrimp
Fleet – May 6, 2003
Download: NR-5-6-03.pdf
(91KB file)
- Imlementing
the Sustainable Fisheries Act – June 2003
Download: SFA_finalreport.pdf
- Federal
Register/Vol. 69, No. 6/Friday, January 9, 2004/Rules
and Regulations
Download: FR_Amendment10.pdf
(72KB file)