Welcome to the new Magazine Rack section of our web page.  On these page we will continue to provide fun and informative information using different media platforms for viewing.  We are opening this page with 2 different content formats.  You can view the magazine in your browser (preferred), or you can download the pdf.  If you have not already done so, you will need to download flash player to view the magazine in its intended format.  We also plan on providing content in formats suitable for Kindle, Nook, iPad, and iPhone.  So please come back often to check our updated information.

In order to view the in browser files, you will need to download Adobe Flash player or Adobe Shock Wave player. You can go to the Adobe web page for more information.  These are both free to download and use.

Kindle version (not yet available)

Kindle version (not yet available)

Kindle version (not yet available)

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