SACSCOC Institutional Accreditation Statement In order to comply with SACSCOC's representation requirements all references to LSU's
institutional accreditation should include the institution's official accreditation statement.
Web & Technology Accessibility Support for LSU Faculty/Staff
Still need to make your digital content accessible? Access all the resources at LSU’s
web accessibility hub.These resources include video tutorials, access to specialized training, and free
tools to check your webpage for accessibility issues. If you have any questions about
web accessibility, please email the Online Accessibility Working Group. Find more information about Web & Technology Accessibility support for LSU faculty
and staff here.
Faculty Technology Center Training Catalog The Faculty Technology Center has released its spring training catalog. Trainings
include Creating Accessible Documents, Moodle 3 - Basic and Beyond, Creating and Administering
Online Surveys Using Qualtrics and Turning Point Student Response System. Find more
information in the Faculty Technology Center Training Catalog.
Designing and Teaching Accessible Courses The LSU Digital & Continuing Education team is excited to offer a faculty professional
development course titled Designing and Teaching Accessible Courses. This course introduces
the core concepts of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the laws and standards
of accessibility in higher education. For more information and to register, visit
Special Focus Program – Online Course Design & Development Offered by the LSU Digital & Continuing Education team, the Special Focus Program
is an intensive 12-week program designed to guide faculty through the development,
or re-development of an online course that is fully aligned, meets accessibility standards,
and ensures a consistent and positive learning experience for students. For more information
and to register, visit
“Animals in Society” Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 7:00 pm The School of Veterinary Medicine Auditorium Find more information on the event here.
Digital & Continuing Education's Open Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 10:00-11:00am Student Union, Capital Chamber (room 329) For more information and to register click here.
Tip #1 Contextual Links To make hyperlinks accessible in any format of web communication, make sure to describe
your link, instead of just stating “click here” or “”. Screen readers
navigate from link to link, and without a descriptor, screen readers cannot tell what
the link is referring to. Instead of “Click here,” use “Contact us here,” or instead
of “See this link,” use “Browse more related topics here.” As well as being beneficial
to screen readers, this tip allows for better search engine retrieval, potentially
increasing site visits.
Tip #2 Alt Text Images All images in any format of web communication should have an alt text inserted. This
is a simple task. For Word and PowerPoint docs, right click the image and select Format
Picture. You will see an alt text option. You only need to fill in the description