Preparing for Fall 2021
In preparation for the 2021 fall semester, members of the LSU Online Design & Development
(D&D) team are providing support for faculty and graduate teaching assistants. Visit
the Preparing for Fall 2021 webpage for a description of various workshops and workshop recordings, and support that
will be available for faculty.
Moodle Upgrade Beginning on May 12
Moodle 3.9 Upgrade: LSU Online and Continuing Education will be upgrading both regular
Moodle (moodle.lsu.edu) and the LSU Online Moodle (lsuonline.moodle.lsu.edu) instances
from Moodle 3.7 to 3.9 starting May 12, 2021 and ending Monday, May 17. Please expect
service interruptions during this window. Monitor our progress on the upgrade, and
find quick links to training resources as they are released on our new upgrade website.

Protection of Minors at LSU (PM 16)
The University’s policy regarding the protection of minors is Permanent Memorandum
16 (PM 16). Adherence to PM 16 is required of all LSU programs or Non-LSU programs
that involve the supervision of minors. A program can be an athletic camp with 20
minors or an academic lesson with only one minor.
The Office of Risk Management is the Policy Administrator for PM 16. The information
needed by programs to be compliant with PM 16 can be found on Risk Management’s webpage
under “Youth Protection.” Additional assistance on the policy requirements can be found in the PM 16 Guidelines. For more information or to request a meeting or training on PM 16, contact Risk
Management at youthprotect@lsu.edu.
Call for Spring 2022 Honors Course Proposals
LSU’s Ogden Honors College will welcome its largest and highest scoring incoming freshman
class this fall.
Become part of the Honors faculty by submitting a course proposal to the Ogden Honors
College for spring 2022. You may also be interested in joining the 20+ faculty members
who teach HNRS 2000 Critical Analysis each fall. Teaching Honors students often culminates
in faculty directing undergraduate honors theses – a rewarding combination of research
and mentorship.
For more information on teaching opportunities in the Honors College and to find instructions
on submitting a course proposal, visit the Faculty Resources page on the Ogden Honors College website. Please direct any questions to Drew Lamonica
Arms, Associate Dean of the Ogden Honors College, dlamoni@lsu.edu.
Proposals for new courses to be taught in spring 2022 are due early in the fall semester
by Friday, September 3, 2021.
Student Information System
As announced earlier in the year, the institution has embarked on the process to procure
and implement a modern student information system. Led by Matt Lee, vice provost and
Clay Benton, university registrar, the procurement phase of the project is underway.
A cross-institutional steering committee worked with the Office of Procurement to
develop and issue an Invitation to Negotiate (ITN). That ITN yielded applications
from a number of vendors. An evaluation committee is currently in the process of reviewing
those initial applications and will ultimately invite a subset of vendors to demonstrate
features of their systems to the campus community. Additional information on those
demonstrations will be forthcoming.

Save the Date:
June 14-18
Faculty Writing Bootcamp A week-long writing bootcamp devoted completely to faculty writing – grant proposals,
sabbatical reports, research literature, and more. Sponsored by: LSU Learning & Teaching Collaborative
Friday, August 20, 2021
REFRESH: Let’s Move Forward Teaching Workshop A half-day faculty workshop focused on inspirations for moving our teaching forward
in the new academic year. Sponsored by: LSU Learning & Teaching Collaborative and Campus Federal
LSU Honorary Ceremonies
LSU hosts many ceremonies the week of commencement to honor our students' academic
accomplishments and diversities. View a full list of honorary ceremonies here.