LSU Faculty Senate

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Faculty News

The Adel Sarofim award is presented every two years to an international scientist who've made significant contributions to our understanding of combustion processes, formation of combustion by-products and mechanisms of their health effects. Last week, LSU researcher Stephania Cormier received the honor at the meeting of the International Congress on Combustion By-products and Their Health Effects in Durham, North Carolina.

Fighting Hunger and Disease, One Strain of Rice at a Time

LSU cybersecurity researcher and Associate Professor Elias Bou-Harb, along with collaborators at the University of South Carolina, has secured a $600,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to combat malware by recognizing and stopping cyberattacks at the network level as they first enter computer systems. The researchers' approach empowers system administrators through a do-it-yourself approach.

The Bronstein Prize is awarded every two years to a leading postdoctoral scholar in loop quantum gravity, an area in theoretical physics that helps bridge general relativity with quantum mechanics to provide a deeper understanding of our universe and everything in it. LSU is one of the top three universities for loop quantum gravity research in the United States.

In a second round of Big Idea seed grants, the largest internal funding program in LSU history, the Provost’s Fund for Innovation in Research is investing $1.2 million in 15 interdisciplinary research teams. Aligned with LSU’s Scholarship First Agenda, the teams and their projects aim to solve pressing problems in Louisiana and everywhere.

Each year, the LSU Alumni Association and the LSU Pinkie Gordon Lane Graduate School recognize two LSU doctoral students whose research and writing demonstrate superior scholarship.