Our Community

Councils & Chapters

Four governing councils share a vision for members to make lifelong friendships in a supportive and safe community. Members from all chapters lead these councils and make up our Greek Leadership Team and Greek academic honor society, Order of Omega.  

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

The IFC is the governing body of the 16 national, all-men's fraternities. The IFC is compromised of leaders from all affiliated IFC chapters that provide guidance and support to the fraternity community. 

Learn More and Join IFC

IFC executive board

slg members

Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)

The MGC is the governing body that supports all 1 of the mutlicultural fraternities and sororities that are represented on the LSU MGC.

Coming Soon

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

The NPHC, also known as the Divine Nine, is the governing body that supports all 9 of the historically African-American fraternities and sororities that are represented on the LSU NPHC. 


 sigmas at greek week

 phi mu members

Panhellenic Council (PHC)

The PHC is the governing body of the 13, national, all-women's sororities. The PHC is comprised of leaders from all affiliated PHC chapters that provide guidance, support, and foster the development of the sorority community.


Greek Leadership Team

The Greek Leadership Team (GLT) serves as a programming board for the Greek community. Members represent all four councils (IFC, MGC, NPHC, and PHC).

Additional Opportunities for Greek Students to get involved 

  • Empower 
  • Songfest
  • Greek Week (Habitat for Humanity Home Build) 

Order of Omega

The Order of Omega is an academic honor society that recognizes upperclassmen who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, involvement within their respective organization and within the Fraternity/Sorority, campus, and local community.

  • Only the top 3% of fraternity and sorority upperclassmen are eligible to be in Order of Omega
  • Co-sponsors award recognition of chapter success each year
  • Members from all councils (IFC, MGC, NPHC, and PHC) are initiated into the honor society each semester
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