Congratulations Spring 2016 Graduates
Above Photo: 2016 College of Science University Medalists

Sixty-four LSU graduates received University Medals, a recognition awarded at each
commencement to undergraduate students graduating with the highest grade point average.
Of the 64, 21 are College of Science graduates.Photo by Pink Thamdorn
The LSU College of Science celebrated the accomplishments of over 360 science majors who completed the requirements for their master’s and bachelor’s degrees during its spring diploma ceremony on Friday, May 13, in LSU’s Maddox Fieldhouse. Twenty-one College of Science doctoral graduates were recognized during LSU’s main ceremony.
Of the college’s 352 bachelor’s degree recipients, 102 earned Latin honors, 21 earned the University Medal, LSU’s highest honor, and 12 earned college honors, the highest recognition given by the College of Science and the Honors College. Fifty-one percent of the graduates are men with 49 percent women. The 2016 class is made up of graduates from 15 countries, 20 states and 38 parishes within Louisiana.
The keynote speaker for the ceremony was LSU Executive Vice President & Provost Richard Koubek.
“We have some great alumni from our university,” said Koubek, adding that there is something unique about LSU graduates.
“What is it in your DNA or in the secret sauce at LSU that compels you to do so well?” said Koubek.
The provost said that he visited with a number of prominent LSU alumni to determine what sets them apart from their peers. From these discussions he realized that LSU graduates share a number of common attributes.
“We view leadership as service,” said Koubek. He also noted that LSU is a resilient institution that continues to move forward and produce successful graduates in spite of the state’s budget issues, and that LSU is a community. “We really believe in community,” said Koubek.
Lastly, he remarked that the faculty embody the character of LSU. “As students, you spend about 5,400 hours in front of faculty,” said Koubek. “That’s what’s special about LSU.”
As the graduates prepared to walk across the stage to receive their diplomas, Koubek reminded them that an LSU degree should not be something that they have; it’s something that they do.
The graduates listed below are receiving the Master of Science degree in their respective disciplines. Students who completed a thesis option are listed with their departmental advisor.
Irfan Alam, Mathematics
Caroline Adams Broderick, Geology
Advisor: Dr. Carol Wicks
Tracing Sediment in the Subsurface Using Beryllium-7: Green River Basin, KY
John Michael Callen, Geology
Advisor: Dr. Achim Herrmann
Paleoceanography of Late Ordovician (M4-M5 boundary) Mohawkian Sea, Dickeyville, WI
Friedrich Wilhelm Alexander Dunkel, Mathematics
Zachary Isaiah Edwards, Physics
Advisor: Dr. Bradley Schaefer
Solving the Type la Progenitor Problem by Measuring their Scale Height Position in Edge-On Spiral Galaxies
Ryan Andrew Eldridge, Biological Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Jacob Esselstyn
Biogeography and Population Genetics on Sulawesi, Indonesia: A Case Study of the Shrew Crocidura Elongata
Amy Nicole Geiger, Natural Sciences
Derek Stephen Goff, Geology
Advisor: Dr. Juan Manuel Lorenzo
Resistivity and Shear Wave Velocity as a Predictive Tool of Sediment Type in Coastal Levee Foundation Soils
Hongcheng Guo, Geology
Advisor: Dr. A. Alexander G. Webb
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Himalayan Leucogranites: Implication for Indian Slab-tearing
Anna Atasha Hoffmann, Geology
Advisors: Dr. Barbara Dutrow and Dr. Darrell Henry
Plagioclase Halos Around Garnets-Implications for Pressure-Temperature Paths in Metapelites
Md Julkernine Julfiker, Biochemistry
Advisor: Dr. Huangen Ding
Reactivity of Iron-Sulfur Proteins with Nitric Oxide
Benjamin Joseph Krogmeier, Geology
Advisor: Dr. Philip Bart
An Empirical Estimate of Post-LGM Grounding-event Duration: Implications from a Comparison of Constraints from New Radiocarbon Dates
Bimal Kunwor, Mathematics
Bryce Allen Mathis, Geology
Advisor: Dr. Achim Herrmann
Investigating Anoxic Depositional Settings of Late Pennsylvanian Cyclothems Utilizing
Geochemical Proxy Analysis of the Hushpuckney
Alesha Christine Morabito, Geology
Advisor: Dr. Gary Byerly
Augite in Komatiitic Basalts: A Study of the Mobility of Trace Elements During Rock Alteration
Mark Victor Russo, Mathematics
Cody Christian Schulte, Geology
Advisor: Dr. Achim Herrmann
Rare Earth Element Patterns in Conodont Apatite from the Upper Ordovician: Testing Enrichment Sources and Possible Oceanographic Changes
Eleanor Wesley-Anne Smith, Geology
Advisors: Dr. Barbara Dutrow and Dr. Darrell Henry
Metamorphic Conditions of Aluminous Gneisses from the Sawtooth Metamorphic Complex, ID: Implications for the Middle-lower Crust
Ziran Wei, Geology
Advisor: Dr. Huiming Bao
Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Composition: Capsule of Past and Present Biological Activities
Kexin Zhang, Geology
Advisor: Dr. A. Alexander G. Webb
Low Peak Metamorphic Temperatures Across the NW Indian Himalaya from the Indu Suture to the Range Front; Implications for Tectonic Models
The University Medal for “Highest Academic Achievement” is awarded at each commencement to undergraduate students graduating with the highest grade point average. The students listed below have maintained a 4.0 GPA.
Daniel Paul Babin
Austin Taylor Baldwin
Thomas Oliver Beckstrom
Grant Alexandra Blanchard
Biological Sciences
Monica Elaine Bravo
Biological Sciences
Sarah Elizabeth Campbell
Biological Sciences
Jesse T.S. Clifton
Griffin Gibb Farrish
Biological Sciences
Madilyn Nicole Garcia
Biological Sciences
Emily Anne Guarisco
Biological Sciences
Diana Huynh
Biological Sciences
Armand Anthony Jacques
Biological Sciences
Jamie Clare Kendrick
Biological Sciences
Jill Lindsey King
Biological Sciences
Lauren Kate Langlois
Biological Sciences
Casey Marie LeBlanc
Biological Sciences
Anne Lee Parsiola
Biological Sciences
Paige Lucia Pocorello
Biological Sciences
Ashley Elizabeth Reeves
Biological Sciences
Colleen Elizabeth Robichaux
The students listed below have distinguished themselves by completing either College Honors or Upper Division Honors.
College Honors students earn a minimum of 32 semester hours of honors courses and complete research and a senior thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor. Upper Division Honors students earn a minimum of 12 semester hours of honors courses as upperclassmen and complete research and a senior thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor.
Jared Mark Able
Dr. Daniel Cohen
Thomas Oliver Beckstrom
Dr. Mark Batzer
Madison Taylor Boudreaux
Biological Sciences
Dr. Maheshi Dassanayake
Mark Feuer DiTusa
Dr. Phillip Sprunger
Ellen Elizabeth Foster
Biological Sciences
Dr. Morgan Kelly
Jennifer An Kenyon
Dr. Brooks Ellwood
Nicholas James Klinka
Dr. Lawrence Smolinsky
Amanda Danielle Mayhall
Dr. Oliver T Dasbach
Christopher Taylor McVicker
Biological Sciences
Dr. Karen Maruska
Andrew Paul Mullet
Dr. Gary King
Andrew Paul Olivier
Dr. Martin Tzanov
Steven Alexander Olsen
Dr. Frank Neubrander
Jon Hunter Strohmeyer
Biological Sciences
Dr. Mark Batzer
Elizabeth Jude Babin Honors
Thomas Oliver Beckstrom Honors
Ross James Bonnot Honors
Jacob Francis Boudreaux (French Studies)
Carly Ann Gilliland Honors
Justice Houston Guice Honors
Anwei Polly-Michelle Gwan
Ashton Nan Jorgensen
Nathan Daniel Kersker (Chemistry)
Alyssia Trinity Kaylene Kraemer
David Mas
Caitlin Elizabeth Mitchell Honors, SRT
Andrew Paul Mullet Honors, (Spanish), CxC
Nathaniel Wellington Neves
Jessica Tuyet-Hoa Nguyen
David Kurt Odenheimer Honors
Dylan Luc Pham
Eric William Prestenburg
Khizir Ghayas Qureshi
Emily Lynn Riley Honors
Rachel Joy Robinson Honors
William Matthews Selig Honors
Kelli Nicole Soileau
Khushboo Ishvar Sojitra
Christopher Morgan Toups
Biological Sciences
LaShandra Charnae’ Adams
Sarah Elizabeth Al-Marhoun
Olivia Annette Angelette
Katie Elizabeth Armshaw
William Patrick Armstrong
Andrew Olsen Arnold
Ashley Nicole Bacon Military
Samuel David Baggett
Gray Allen Bailey Jr.
Rosser Alan Baker
Hannah Greer Barkley
Jordan Lynn Berlier
Grant Alexandra Blanchard Honors
Seth Abraham Bombet Honors
Austin Joseph Bordelon
Jacob Sebastien Bordelon Honors
Brittany Ann Bosarge
Madison Taylor Boudreaux
Bryant Louis Bourgeois
Emilie Claire Bourgeois Honors
Riley Jameson Bourque
Joseph Duane Bradford
Cersten Lynese Bradley
Nicholas Christopher Braud Honors
Monica Elaine Bravo Honors
Sydney E’lise Breaux
Alexandra Jess Brielmayer
Erica Leigh Broussard
Landon Dale Broussard
Avery Anna Bryan
Brionne Christian Bush
Whitney L. Calamia
Sarah Elizabeth Campbell Honors
Haley Nicole Capello
Bryan Duane Cass Honors
Ariel Chatman
Alyssa René Chauviere
Colette Laree Childress Honors
Natalie Blair Choplin
Kelli Amara Clemons SRT
Austina Michelle Coolman Honors
Lennon Stanton Coon
Laureanna Breean Crump
Mary Claire Curet Honors
Christina Rose Daigle
Pamela Ponce de Leon Daigle
Samantha Laneze Dantin
Allison Rost D’Antoni
Chaney Marie Davis
Marcus Samuel Davis
Donald L. De Mahy
Keith Patrick Delaune Honors
Brooke Ann Deroche
Sagar R. Desai
Alexandra Nicole DeWitt
Chanh Cong Doan
Olivia Lynn Dugas Honors
Heidi Lynn Dunne
Maggie Michelle Durci Honors
Katherine Marie Eagan
David L. Ealy Jr.
Scarlett Merle East
Elizabeth Renee Ehrhard
Savannah Ray Ellis Honors
Mariel Alexandra Escobar
Celeste Danielle Faciane
Griffin Gibb Farrish Honors
Andrew Michael Ferry Honors
Meagan Alexandra Finch
Sebastian Florez
Katelyn Thérèse Forest
Rachel Ann Foret
Ellen Elizabeth Foster Honors
Joshua Steven Frank Honors
Adam Michael Fuller
Robert John Fusilier
Jordan Wray Gahagan Honors
Scott Michael Gaignard Honors
José Sebastian Garcia
Madilyn Nicole Garcia Honors
Darryl Anthony Gaudet Jr.
Mariah L. Gewin
Megan Brianna Gilliam
Mary Lizabeth Glass
Carrie Elizabeth Gormanous
Caleb Jaydon Govender Honors
Caroline Elise Grand Honors
Keionne Marie Green
Grant Douglas Grenfell
Emily Anne Guarisco Honors
Samuel Richard Guba Honors
Carley Noel Guillot
Joshua Andreas Haggenmacher
Wadia Abdelrazak Hamed
Tiffany Marie Hammant
Margaret Elizabeth Hardman
Evan Michael Hart Honors
Emily Morgan Harvey Honors
Peter Michael Harvey Honors
Taylor Meredith Hines
Jenna Leigh Hisey
Kim-Hue Thanh Hoang
Emily Rene’ Hodges Honors
Alexandra Elizabeth Hohensee
Mallory Grace Horner
Brennan Scott Howell
Grace Whitney Hunt
Haley Marie Hutchins
Victoria Ashley Hutson
Diana Huynh Honors
Allison Paige Inzerella
Armand Anthony Jacques Honors
Marral Lisa Jalilian
Taylor Lea James
Hongmin Jin
Matthew Colin Johnson
Mikayla Danielle Johnson
Natalie Anne Jurisich
William Lee Kemp Honors
Jamie Clare Kendrick Honors, (CES)
Jill Lindsey King Honors, (Psychology)
Kayla Marie King-Naomi
Daniel Lynwood LaCour Jr.
Carey Marie Laiche
Jordan Joseph Landry Honors
Lauren Kate Langlois Honors
Brittni Marie Lanoux Honors
Brooke Ann LeBlanc Honors
Casey Marie LeBlanc Honors
Steven Paul Lemoine Jr.
Mikayla Marie Leombruno
Drake Vincent Leonard SRT
Cameron Lee Lewis
Jessica Marie Lindquist
Alaina Claire Lofaso Honors
Zuzanna Izabela Lomnicka
Sarah Wakeley Lungaro (Biochemistry)
James Hugh Lynch
Preston W. Mall
Emily Helen Mann
Bryan Keith Manson
William Alan Marks
Julianne Elizabeth Martin
Kyle Wayne Mayes
Hayden Douglas McBride Honors
Dustin Robert McConnell
Griffin Patrick McDonald Military
Benjamin Samuel McHugh Honors
Matthew Allen McLaurin Honors
Mason Reed McManus Honors
Christopher Taylor McVicker Honors
Andrew Thomas Melcher
Faith Renee Meyers
Brady Michael Milanes
Dainon Louis Miles Honors
Shelby Morgan Miller
Miles Thomas Minvielle
Ella Hadley Modeen Honors
Trey Nicholas Moffatt
Daniel Joseph Moore Honors
Jade Ann Moreau Honors
Matthew Jordan Moss Honors
Tierra T. Moultrie
William Beniloyd Murdock
Layne Elizabeth Neitzschman Honors
Emily Dickinson Newcomb
Thanh-Van Thi Nguyen
Timmy Nguyen
Vy-Van Francesca Nguyen
Jessica Cari North Honors
Conor Alan Null
Jordan Joseph Nuss Honors
Cristabelle-Marie Chiogu Ojukwu
Ryan Patrick O’Leary
Rhett Joseph Orgeron Honors
Allan T. Parr III (Psychology)
Anne Lee Parsiola Honors
Sagar Ramesh Patel Honors
Sejal Mitash Patel
Thanh Phan
Elizabeth Ann Picciola Honors
Emily Camille Picciola Honors
Ashley Nicole Pikes
Allison Marie Pinner Honors
Paige Lucia Pocorello Honors
Sarah Anne Powell
Kenny Au Quach
Joseph Young Ragusa Honors
Rameez Sohail Rao
Grant Howard Raphael
Chad Michael Rathcke
Ashley Elizabeth Reeves Honors
Rhett Michael Reynolds Honors
Travis William Rice
Seth Alan Richard
Shane Anthony Richard Honors
Joshua Alan Richards
Rachel Lauren Robinson Honors
Alison Jane Rone
Tyler James Rooney Honors
Corey Matthew Rye
Richard E. Sabatier Jr. Honors
Kefah Salameh
Joseph Francis Sansone Honors
Catherine Beverly Santos
Baylor James Schexnayder Honors
Kirstie Rae Schieffler SRT
Caroline Ann Schulenberg
Rae Anne Scruggs
Kaitlin Ashley Sepulveda
Samuel Walker Shaw
Evan Joseph Sica Honors
Rayce Alexander Silva
Jessica Renee Simpson
Leah Marie Smith
Sierra Dawn Sossamon CxC
Bryant Soto
Zachary Dee Sparcella
Jacob Roberts Stover Honors, (History)
Jon Hunter Strohmeyer Honors
Matthew Charles Stumpff
Erica Elizabeth Sumner
Victoria Jane Taravella
William Anthony Terracciano
Brittin Cecilia Thibodeaux Honors
Truc Phuong Tran
Faith Nicole Travis
Van Nghi Trinh
Lexus Lea Trosclair
Benton Michael Troxclair
Ryan Michael Tucker
Erin Elizabeth Tullis
Carter Benjamin Van Horn
Aaron James Vancel
Brodrick Jermal Vincent
Nathan Kirk Voisin
Evan Hansen Wall SRT
Cortney Danielle Webb
Torey T. White
Rachel Elizabeth Wieschhaus Honors
Erin Alise Wilbanks
Alexandra Brehon Williams Honors
Justin Scott Williams
Rush Alan Williams
Fred Spencer Willis III
Kyle Edward Wilson
Claire M. Wingerter Honors
Wade Anthony Wyckoff Honors
Carlie Lynne Amore Honors
Christopher Luke Boagni
Joshua David Coneglio
Rachel Leigh Gregory
Ashley Christina Guillory
Thomas Malone Martin
Rohit Raina
Evan Chandler Rivere
Gregory Lynn Ware II SRT
Brelynn Dianne Witty Honors
Department of Chemistry
Matthew Robert Binns
Josue Michael Breaux
Eden Elizabeth Camp
Christian Joseph Devereux
Asenath Leah Francis SRT
Brock Randall Guarino
Abby Christine Guerin
Jesse Michael Guidry
Erin Iesha Lombard
Abbey Laine Maynor
Quintin Michael Picard
Department of Geology & Geophysics
Daniel Paul Babin Honors, SRT
Megan E. Borel
Agathe Everett Carrier SRT
Ryan Christopher Clarke
Frances Reade Crawford SRT
Sarah Peyton Decoteau
Stephen Asher Gowdy
Ross Ingram Harrison
Jennifer An Kenyon Honors, CxC
Evan Gerard LeBlanc
Ruari Mckenzie Mallon
Robert Thomas Narmour
Ashton Marshall Robinson
Erin Michelle Schwartz
Cory Austin Treloar
Department of Mathematics
Jared Mark Able Honors, (Philosophy)
Taylor Ann Allan Honors
Shelby Lynn Allen
Jeffrey Keith Aydell
Austin James Baroni
Robin Victoria Bowman
Martin Joseph Braun Honors, (Economics)
Adria Joelle Broussard
Justin Ward Clemmons
Jesse T.S. Clifton Honors
Jackson Henry Colvin
Darnelle Andre Cuyler
Dayne Watson Denham
George Baptiste Flynn Honors
Emily Claire Gaudet
Megan Anne Harper
Marianna Nicole Hart Honors
Carlie Marie Hutti
Christopher Daniel Kennady
Matthew Thomas Kiggans
John Paul Kippers
Nicholas James Klinka Honors
Quoc-Anh Thomas Le Honors
Ryan Dominick Maggio
Alexa Renee’ Martin
Echo Matthews (Liberal Arts)
Amanda Danielle Mayhall Honors
George John Montanio
Lora Marie Nelson
Vina Thi Nguyen
Steven Alexander Olsen (French Studies)
Courtney Nicole Riley
Jordyn Elizabeth Riviere Honors
Colleen Elizabeth Robichaux Honors
Anna Elizabeth Robinson
Sydney Jean Saltamachia
Sarah Jane Schott
Paris D. Scott
Paige Marie Thibodeaux
Caleb Etienne Tureau
Shawn O’neal Williams
Dustin Charles Wright SRT
Kaijun Ye
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Austin Taylor Baldwin Honors
Jordan Christian Ball SRT, (Philosophy)
Zachary Aaron Baum
Emma Annelise Bergeron SRT
Matthew Thomas Curtis SRT
Jay David Dias SRT
Mark Feuer DiTusa Honors, (Chemistry)
Colin Edward Fulham
Andrew David Hastings
Jessica Kate Hebert SRT
Jeffrey Konner Kite (Mathematics)
Sarah Elizabeth Morvant
Todd Andrew Moulder
Andrew Paul Olivier
Nigel James Payne
Rene Luis Travieso
Blaine Austin Ziegel
The list of degree candidates for this ceremony was prepared before final grades were reported and inclusion herein does not constitute evidence of graduation. The listing of a name in this program should not be construed as an indication that the person will in fact receive a degree from Louisiana State University at this commencement. Conversely, the absence of a student's name from this list does not necessarily mean that the person will not be awarded a degree.
Honors Indicates Latin Honors (i.e., summa cum laude 3.9 - 4.0 gpa; magna cum laude
3.8 - 3.89 gpa; cum laude 3.7 - 3.79 gpa). Honors designations listed in this
program were determined using students' grade point averages from the start of
the semester.
( ) Indicates additional degree or major earned in discipline
CxC Indicates the student is a recipient of the LSU Distinguished Communicator
SRT Indicates the student completed and defended a senior research thesis
Military Indicates the student is graduating as a commissioned officer