Announcement for 2010:

This year’s subscription will consist of one special anniversary double-issue celebrating the 25th anniversary of the MFA program and the 150th anniversary of Louisiana State University. For the regular subscription rate, you will get all the goodness you usually get with two issues packed into one extravaganza, with fabulous extras including contest winning pieces for the Matt Clark Fiction and Poetry Prizes and our very first Creative Nonfiction Contest, and a special section of work by LSU MFA alumni. Those anticipating the winter issue will have to wait a little longer, but we think this issue will be worth the wait. We hope you enjoy reading

it as much as we are enjoying putting it together.

Subscribe to New Delta Review:

U.S. Rates

  1. Current issue: $9

  2. Two issue subscription: $15

  3. Four issue subscription: $25

  4. Specific or most current back issue: $8

  5. Sample back issue (chosen at random): $6

International and Institutional Rates

  1. Current issue: $12

  2. Two issue subscription: $20

  3. Four issue subscription: $35

  4. Specific or most current back issue: $10

  5. Sample back issue (chosen at random): $8

To order, complete one of our order forms and send a check or international money order in U.S. funds to New Delta Review.

New Delta Review
Department of English
15 Allen Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5001


Donate to New Delta Review:

Make a monetary donation to The New Delta Review and have your name published in upcoming issues and on-line under one of the following illustrious categories:

Blues Legend  $500 +          
River Boat Gambler  $200 - $499
Moon Shiner  $100 - $199      
Drifter  $26 - $99     
Hobo  $20 - $25       

"River Boat Gamblers" and "Blues Legends" will have their names published for two years. Donators under the other categories will be published for one year. 

Donations come with a year's subscription to New Delta Review.
