Decentralized and Centralized
Societies |
Decentralized Society |
Centralized Society |
Tocqueville �
Decentralized society is the
structure of liberty.� Feudal Societies
were decentralized.� A was the king, B the aristocrats, C the commoners.�
Centralized society is the
structure of despotism.� The absolutist monarchs A
(e.g., Louis XIV in
Durkheim -
Modern society has become too
large and centralized, and the individual may feel isolated and not see how he
or she fits in: this is anomie.� As a
solution, he proposes occupational groups B
(a form of decentralized society) to connect the individual A to the whole of society C.�
Durkheim compares his proposal to medieval corporatism and proposes a
modern form of democratic corporatism: Individuals freely associate, and the
associations help control the state.
Schmitter�s theory of Corporatism �
Corporatism takes the
structure of a decentralized society.�
Schmitter distinguishes between Liberal or Democratic Corporatism and
State Corporatism.� In Liberal or
Democratic Corporatism, power flows from the bottom up, consistent with Durkheim�s model.� Citizens
C freely form associations B, which help control the state A.�
In State Corporatism, power flows from the top down: Nazism and Fascism
are extreme forms of this.� The state A uses organizations it creates B to control the population C.