Scholarship on Research and Teaching
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Course Materials
- Raver, Sharon A. and Ann S. Maydosz. 2010. "Impact of the Provision and Timing of Instructor-Provided Notes on University Students' Learning." Active Learning in Higher Education 11(3): 189-200.
- Pekow, Charles. 2005. "GAO Report: Textbook Costs Rising Faster Than Tuition." Diverse: Issues In Higher Education 22(17)
- Cloutier, David. 2009. "Yes, I Use A Textbook (Now). Teaching Theology & Religion 12(4): 354-355.
- Oregon, FAQS(Outside Help for Students)
Garner, Pamela W. 2008. "The Challenge of Teaching for Diversity in the College Classroom when the Professor is the 'Other'”". Teaching in Higher Education 13(1): 117-120.
- Hussey, Heather D., Bethany K.B. Fleck, Rebecca Warner. 2010. "Reducing Student Prejudice in Diversity-Infused Core Psychology Classes." College Teaching 58(3): 85-92.
- Kernahan, Cyndi and Tricia Davis. 2010. "What are the Long-Term Effects of Learning About Racism?" Teaching of Psychology 37(1): 41-45.
- Martin, Kathleen J. "Student Attitudes and the Teaching and Learning of Race, Culture and Politics." Teaching & Teacher Education 26(3): 530-539.
- LSU PS 92, which outlines textbook & course materials guidelines
The statements and opinions included in this website are those of Kate Bratton only. Any statements and opinions included in these webpages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.