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Powerpoint & Multimedia Presentations
- University of Minnesota: Powerpoint Tutorial (Active Learning with Powerpoint
- Klemm, W.R. 2007. “Computer Slide Shows: A Trap for Bad Teaching." College Teaching June: 122-124.
- Giers, Vicki S., and David S. Kreiner. "Incorporating Active Learning With PowerPoint Based Lectures Using Content-Based Questions." Teaching of Psychology 36(2): 134-139.
- Clark, Jennifer. 2008. "Powerpoint and Pedagogy: Maintaining Student Interest in University Lectures." College Teaching 56(1): 39-45.
- Schrand, Tom. 2008. "Tapping into Active Learning and Multiple Intelligences with Interactive Multimedia: A Low-Threshold Classroom Approach." College Teaching56(2): 78-84.
- Grasha, Anthony F., and Natalia Yangarber-Hicks. 2000. "Integrating Teaching Styles and Learning Styles with Instructional Technology." College Teaching 48(1):
- Gribas, Cyndy, and Lynn Sykes. 1996. "Creating Great Overheads with Computers." College Teaching 44(2):
- Kinchin, Ian M., Deesha Chadha, and Patricia Kokotailo. 2008. "Using PowerPoint as a Lens to Focus on Linearity in Teaching." Journal of Further and Higher Education 32(4): 333-346.
- Young, Jeffrey R. 2004. "When Good Technology Means Bad Teaching." Chronicle of Higher Education 51(12).
The statements and opinions included in this website are those of Kate Bratton only. Any statements and opinions included in these webpages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.