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Assessment & Grading
- LSU PS 44, which provides policies for grades
- Columbia University: Effective Grading
- Columbia University: Effective Testing
- Penn State: Assessment Exercises
- University of Oregon: Grading (FAQS) (note that some of this is specific to U-OR, but this does include some general guidelines).
- University of North Carolina: Improving Multiple Choice Questions
- University of North Carolina: Writing and Grading Essay Questions
- Pokorny, Helen and Pamela Pickford. 2010. "Complexity, Cues and Relationships: Student Perceptions of Feedback." Active Learning in Higher Education 11(1): 21-30.
- Rae, Agnes M. and David K. Cochrane. 2008. "Listening to Students: How to Make Written Assessment Feedback Useful." Active Learning in Higher Education 9(3): 217-230.
- Strong, Brent, Mark Davis, and Val Hawks. 2004. “Self-Grading in Large General Education Classes: A Case Study." College Teaching March: 52-57.
- Bloom, Davida. 2009. "Collaborative Test Taking: Benefits for Learning and Retention." College Teaching Fall: 216-220.
- Kuo, Trudy and Albert Simon. 2009. "How Many Tests Do We Really Need?" College Teaching Summer: 156-160.
- Mansilla, Veronica Boix, Elizabeth Dawes Duraisingh, Christopher R. Wolfe, and Carolyn Haynes. 2009. "Targeted Assessment Rubric: An Empirically Grounded Rubric for Interdisciplinary Writing." Journal of Higher Education 80(3): 334-353.
- Gordon, Michael E. and Charles H. Fay. 2010. "Effects of Grading and Teaching Practices on Students' Perceptions of Grading Fairness. College Teaching 58(3): 93-98.
- Drouin, Michelle A. 2010. "Group-Based Formative Summative Assessment Relates to Improved Student Performance and Satisfaction." Teaching of Psychology 37(2): 114-118.
- Fluckiger, Jarene, Yvonne Tixier y Vigil, Rebecca Pasco and Kathy Danielson. 2010. "Formative Feedback: Involving Students as Partners in Assessment to Enhance Learning." College Teaching 58(4): 136-140.
- Mansilla, Veronica Boix and Elizabeth Dawes Duraising. 2007. "Targeted Assessment of Students' Interdisciplinary Work: An Empirically Grounded Framework Proposed." Journal of Higher Education 215-237.
- Nicol, David. 2007. "E-Assessment by Design: Using Multiple-Choice Tests to Good Effect." Journal of Further and Higher Education 31(1): 53-64.
- Zepke, Nick and Linda Leach. 2010. "Beyond Hard Outcomes: 'Soft' Outcomes and Engagement as Student Success." Teaching in Higher Education 15(6): 661-673.
The statements and opinions included in this website are those of Kate Bratton only. Any statements and opinions included in these webpages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.