photo: Abadie

Margo Abadie

Associate Professor

Office: 328 Huey P. Long Field House
Phone: (225) 578-1108




Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA., Doctorate of Social Work
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA., Master of Social Work
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA., Bachelor of Science in General Studies


Margo Abadie is an Associate Professor of Professional Practice in the School of Social Work in the College of Human Sciences & Education. She previously worked as the Clinical Director of the Crisis Intervention Center of Baton Rouge, an Associate Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling at the LSU Health Sciences Center, and adjunct faculty at the LSU School of Social Work, among other roles.

Dr. Abadie's professional activities have included various board and committee positions with Our Lady of the Lake College, the LSU Health Sciences Center, Consultant Dixon Correctional Institute, the Crisis Intervention Board of Trustees, and more. She currently teaches SW 7505 (Advanced Practice) in the School of Social Work, and her LSU SSW teaching repertiore includes Human Behavior and the Environment, Crisis Intervention, Foundation and Field Internship Part I and II, and Advanced Foundation and Field Internship Part I and II.

Selected Publications

Praetorius, R., Abadie, M., Campbell, F., and Cockrell, E. (2005) International and

Interdisciplinary Service:  You better Belize it.   Creative College Teaching     Journal. 2, 36-46.

Millington, M., Reid, C. & Abadie, M.M. (2000) A Construct Validation of the Employment Expectations Questionnaire.  Rehabilitation Counseling Journal, 12, 74-82.

Abadie, M.M.  & Forbes, M. (2002)   An Evaluation of a Special Developmental and Retention

Program Designed for Provisionally Admitted Freshman Students.  The Journal, 8, 70-78.

Strohmer, D., Boas, G., and Abadie, M.M.  (1996) the Role of Negative Information in Counselor Hypothesis Testing.  Journal of Mental Health Counseling.  18, 164-168.

Abadie, M.M. (1995).  Review of the book, Interdependence:  The Route to Community.  Rehabilitation Education, 9, 73-75.

Arokiasamy, C., Strohmer, D., and Abadie, M.M. (1993) Politically Correct Language and Disability.  Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Southeastern Allied Health Research Symposium.

Abadie, M.M., Campbell, F., and Hart, N. (1989)  A Gerontology Survey of Physicians, Nurses, and Allied Health Professionals in Louisiana.  Monograph of the Annual Conference for the Tulane University Center for Aging Research Education and Services, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.